Sites :
- Airbus - Former European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS), Airbus Group is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. The group includes the aircraft manufacturer Airbus, the world's largest helicopter supplier Eurocopter and the joint venture MBDA, the international leader in missile systems. Airbus Group is the major partner in the Eurofighter consortium, is the prime contractor for the Ariane launcher, develops the A400M military transport aircraft and is the largest industrial partner for the European satellite navigation system Galileo.
- Alstom - World's leading energy solutions and transport company.
- Boeing - Boeing is a world-leading aerospace company and one of the largest manufacturers of commercial jetliners and military aircraft, with capabilities in rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems.
- Bombardier - A world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from regional aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, Bombardier Inc. is a global corporation headquartered in Montreal, Canada.
- Fiat - Italian cars manufacturer, based in Torino.
- General Electric - Major industrial company.
- Michelin - Michelin manufactures and sells tires for all kinds of vehicles, publishes maps and guides and operates a number of digital services in more than 170 countries.
- Mitsubishi - Japanese large industrial company.
- PSA Peugeot Citroën - PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN réunit deux constructeurs automobiles aux marques fortes et distinctes, Peugeot et Citroën, bénéficiant chacune d'une identité et d'une politique commerciale propres. Concurrentes sur le terrain commercial, Peugeot et Citroën sont également adversaires sur le terrain sportif où elles s'affrontent en Championnat du Monde des Rallyes.
- Renault - Présent dans 118 pays, Renault est aujourd'hui un groupe automobile généraliste et multimarque. Il a acquis une dimension mondiale par son Alliance avec Nissan, l'acquisition du constructeur roumain Dacia et la création de la société sud-coréenne Renault Samsung Motors. L'Alliance Renault-Nissan est aujourd'hui le 4e acteur mondial en volume de production derrière General Motors, Ford et Toyota.
- Safran -
Les activités du Groupe SAFRAN, spécialisé dans les hautes technologies, sont réparties en quatre branches : Propulsion aéronautique et spatiale, Equipements aéronautiques, Défense Sécurité, Communications.
- Siemens -
Siemens, headquartered in Berlin and Munich, is one of the world's largest electrical engineering and electronics companies. Siemens provides innovative technologies and comprehensive know-how to benefit customers in 190 countries.